Jan 10 - 17, Feb 28 - Mar 6, June 5 - 12 2025
Dominican Republic

Are you looking to homeschool, unschool, worldschool or have an interest in independent, progressive education? Then this immersive, 5- day Human Hive Learning training is for you. We will dive deep into what it means to be a self-regulating practitioner. We will learn how to self-regulate and co-regulate so that we can support those around us to become well-regulated, grounded, confident learners and human beings. We will look at the research and theory underpinning self-regulation and self-regulated learning, design co-regulating activities and put them to the test with the local & Hive community. It's a fully experiential week. You will learn new skills, make new friends and leave with a more well-regulated nervous system. If you like, you can stay and volunteer for 6 weeks, your family can join The Hive and you'll emerge a fully qualified Hive Practitioner ready to work in a Hive or ready to take the next step and open your own somewhere in the world! Pay a £500 deposit today to save your place