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The best way to embed a Culture of Wellbeing across your organisation is to train the whole team. We find that having a shared language and set of tools to manage stress and overwhelm, creates a shorthand that improves communication across the whole organisation and turbo-charges team cohesion and collaboration. 


Wellbeing is measured in the quality of relationships. 


This training will help your team build a better understanding of themselves and the people around them, so they know how to ask for and offer help when needed. This is not about turning your workplace into a therapy studio. The tools and knowledge we provide are designed to keep everyone productive and moving towards shared goals with less disruption and more understanding. 


In this training you will learn how to:


  • recognise and regulate the common signs of dysregulation, overwhelm and trauma - both in yourself and others

  • use simple tools to help bring back a sense of calm and Wellbeing

  • communicate effectively under stress

  • work supportively in diverse teams

  • use our unique methodology to become resilient self-managers


Training is modular and can be taken in easily digestible stages. Talk to us about numbers and context. Our flexible approach allows us to easily adapt to suit your needs.

We'll help you match your KPIs to our model so as to meaningfully measure impact in line with
your values.




At the end of the training each participant will create their own Wellbeing Plan, which can then be used as a guide for how to support them in times of stress.


Each team will create a group Wellbeing Plan, building on the personal plans of each team member, which can be implemented as an ongoing practice to support continued Wellbeing long after the training has finished.

Darren Fell, CEO Crunch Accounting

“Darren and Kate provided one of the most refreshingly empowering training days I’ve had throughout my working career. Not only do I feel more comfortable to handle the unknown working with younger people, but I learnt why I react and feel the way I do in certain situations. 100% recommended.”


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Our definition of wellbeing is the combination of a foundational sense of SAFETY, a sense of BELONGING to a community or team AND a sense of PURPOSE in what you are doing. If people are stressed or unhappy at work, it’s generally because one or all of these fundamental feelings are missing. 


To build a Culture of Wellbeing we consider how each human’s unique identity - gender, sexuality, race, culture, religion, dis/ability, socio-economic background - affects their ability to feel Safety, Belonging and Purpose in any interaction, project or organisation.


We therefore approach wellbeing from the inside out, starting from an understanding of how the nervous system is affected by stress and building self and co-regulation on three levels:


Me - the needs of the individual

We - the needs of the group

Us - the needs of the wider community


When humans understand how to take care of themselves and each other, they can be far more effective ChangeMakers and thrive in any environment they find themselves in.


Human Hive Wellbeing Training is based on our Co-Evolution framework - designed to teach key life skills and mutual support while building strong relationships.

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Learn techniques for checking-in to your nervous system for signs of overwhelm or activation as a first step towards self-regulation. 


Understand the neurobiology of your body in defense-mode & how to override your instincts & choose helpful responses, even in challenging circumstances. 



Think beyond humanitarian aid to human flourishing. 

Choose how you respond to others so that the result is empowerment, connection and regeneration. 



Learn how to use language to bring your calm, collective self to even the most challenging of conversations. Learn how to listen deeply and use your communication skills to nurture ideas and co-create solutions in your context. 


Contact us now for a free consultation call

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